Voting now open! The public decides the best young designer of 2020

Public voting is now officially open for the Pro Carton Young Designer Award which is run by the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers. The winners of Europe’s annual packaging design competition for young talent will be announced during an on-line virtual celebration on 7 October 2020.

Despite the global coronavirus pandemic, 2020 proved to be another record year for the Pro Carton Young Designers Award. The number of entries increased by almost 20% year on year, with well over 550 cartonboard designs submitted from 85 schools and universities in 25 different countries across Europe. To vote for your favourite simply visit the Pro Carton website. Voting closes at midnight on 30 September.

Tony Hitchin, General Manager of Pro Carton said, “The judges have shortlisted the designs they want to go through to the public vote, and so now it’s left to the people to decide which creative young designer is the worthy winner. We are incredibly pleased with the volume as well as the standard of entries submitted; 2020 has proven to be the most successful year yet, despite difficulties around the global crisis. The Pro Carton Young Designer Award has proven itself again to be a fantastic platform to reach the next generation of designers, not only teaching the importance of using recyclable packaging materials such as cartonboard, but also inspiring a sustainable ethos.”

Vote for the Pro Carton Young Designer Award 2020:

The new ‘Pro Carton Student Video Award’ launched this year also got an exceptional response with entries coming in from 13 European countries. The new award challenged students in marketing, media, and film disciplines to create a short promotional video about the benefits of cartons or cartonboard, with the winning creation to be used across Pro Carton’s social media channels, as well as in presentations at events and on the Pro Carton website. Alongside the Young Designers Award, the winner of the Student Video Award will be announced during the “2020 Carton E-vent & Awards” on 7 October 2020, with the winner receiving a prize of €5000.

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