U.S. box shipments up in Q3

According to data released for Q3 2023 by American Forest & Paper Association and Fibre Box Association, corrugated box shipments in the U.S. grew.

Actual U.S. box shipments for Q3 totalled 96.469 bn sq ft, a 1.4% increase from Q2 shipments (95.17 bn sq ft). Shipments in Q2 were marginally better than Q1, at 1.2%, (94.0 bn sq ft).

Shipment totals in Q1 2023 was the lowest since Q1 2019. Year-over-year Q3, U.S. actual box shipments were down 3.0% (96.469 bn sq ft) vs 99.313 bn sq ft in the Q3 2022.

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