Turbox for Wolf Wellpappe

Montabaur, Germany-based Wolf Wellpappe-Kartonagen is the latest corrugated converter to install a Bahmüller Turbox 1450 speciality gluer. The company, which is owned by Franz-Georg and Hans-Georg Wolf, was looking to increase its competitiveness and opted for a high specification machine that will allow them to significantly enlarge their product offering. It was installed earlier this year.

The new Turbox 1450 is equipped with manifold supports and ‘Unique Fold’, Bahmüller’s rotating folding device. Equipped with four operator control monitors to reduce the distance for the two-man crew during operation, job change and adjustment time can be reduced significantly.

At the take-off area, an SMBCor system allows the crew to bundle the ready folded boxes, before moving to the shipping department.

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