Marbach is known in the market for its innovative business. Recently, Marbach was honoured as TOP 100 Innovator at the German SME Summit.
Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar congratulated the Marbach Group on its award with the TOP 100 seal. The award ceremony in the context of the German SME-Summit took place on the 23rd June in Augsburg. All medium-sized companies that had received the TOP 100 seal at the beginning of the year were honoured. Ranga Yogeshwar accompanied the innovation competition, which was held for the 30th time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, Marbach impressed particularly in the category “innovation success” in size class C (more than 200 employees).
Managing Director Bernd Klenk, Head of Development Thomas Kandlbinder as well as Innovation Manager Sandro Meile took the TOP 100 trophy.
Klenk said, “Innovations move a company forward and ensure its sustainable success. We are pleased to be one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany and to have received the TOP 100 Award. Especially since the Marbach company is also celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.”