“The lack of clarity on recycling reforms has done nothing to further the UK’s environmental ambitions,” says Miles Roberts

Following official confirmation from the UK Government that it will delay the implementation of the UK’s EPR system, Miles Roberts, Group Chief Executive, DS Smith, said, “The lack of clarity on recycling reforms has done nothing to further the UK’s environmental ambitions, so we hope that the Government uses this extra time to work with industry to implement a robust and effective EPR scheme. Any such system should be used to deliver on the ultimate goal of increasing the UK’s recycling rates by funding improved infrastructure and delivering more consistent policies.”

He continued, “Producer payments under EPR could help fund better waste collection systems, such as the separate collection of materials, and get Britain back on track to meeting the Government’s recycling rate targets. If we miss this opportunity to reinvest in the UK’s recycling system, EPR will be little more than a tax on businesses and, ultimately, consumers, which does nothing to support our transition to a circular economy.”

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