TAPPI Announces 2017 Board

TAPPI has announced the official results of the elections for its 2017 Board of Directors. Paul Durocher, Sappi North America, was elected Chair and Peter R. Augustine, Fabio Perini North America, was elected Vice Chair. They will both serve two-year terms.   New Directors elected to serve a three year term include: Fernando Bertolucci, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Fibria Celulose, Jim Cooper, Senior Research Scientist, The Dow Chemical Co., and Don Haag, Vice President of Manufacturing Services, Packaging Corporation of America.

The TAPPI Board consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, President/CEO and nine Directors who determine the policies and have general charge of the affairs of the Association. The following individuals will continue to serve on the TAPPI Board: Richard Berry, CelluForce, Medwick Byrd, NCSU – Paper Science and Engineering, Anitra Collins, International Paper, James Haeffele, SCA AMERICAS, Marko Hakovirta, North Carolina State University, Tony Lyons, Imerys Technology Center, and Larry N. Montague, TAPPI.

Special thanks are extended to the following TAPPI Board members as they complete their terms in March 2017: Chris Luettgen, Renewable Bioproducts Institute, Georgia Tech, outgoing TAPPI Chair and outgoing Directors: Kirt Cuevas, International Paper and Christopher Krumm, CorrChoice, Div. of Greif LLC. 

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