Solema remotely installs new line in China

Solema‘s agility and innovation proved its worth during the pandemic when the company was set to install a new machine in China during the pandemic lockdown. The recent health emergency was about to block the most important contract in Solema’s history. But the will to continue despite the current situation has given the energy to find a solution that has become the flagship of its services.

In December 2019, Solema signed the most important contract of its history: a contract with Shandong Hongije. The machines left from Italy and arrived in China, in February 2020, ready to be installed. In ordinary times, two Solema technicians would have been on site to follow the installation and training. Covid19 and its lockdown, however, stopped everything.

The risk of compromising the whole project seemed inevitable. It was necessary to find a way to continue their work, bypassing all the obstacles arisen and avoid a serious waste of time and money for Solema and the customer. The solution to the problem came in mid-March and goes by the name: Solema Service Pack.  In this specific case, this service served to achieve the goal of a remote installation, but when integrated with other services acts as a support to Customer Care and allows companies to eliminate the expensive emergency repairs of graphicart and paperboard machines.

The Solema Service Pack, which allowed the remote installation, includes two pieces: The Remote Service Tool, is equipped with a webcam with microSD, through which Solema technicians monitored throughout the stages of the installation by communicating live with colleagues in China. The second tool in the Service Pack is a pair of special interactive glasses that when worn by both technicians, becomes a shared screen: a kind of augmented reality. “These special glasses, similar to Google Glass, will become and increasingly frequent tool for the future, as it allows the person wearing them to work with both hands on the machine. Moreover, thanks to the software installed, it allows for translation of spoken and written words in the main languages,” explains Marco Nembrini, part of Solema SW development office, who coordinated the technological aspects of the project.

During the installation Solema left no stone unturned, doing whatever was necessary to make up for the time lost during the health crisis. “The machines supplied are part of Solema’s packaging line that consists of Smart Box and Pluton, a solution for the automatic finishing of products that only Solema is able to offer on the market,” explains Luca Borella, Solema Sales Director.

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