Showroom for Digital and Flexographic Presses

Nine months before the official ceremony to mark the 200th Anniversary of Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA) in September 2017, the foundations were laid in January at the company’s Würzburg parent plant for a new digital and flexographic press demo centre. On 14 March KBA Chairman Claus-Bolza-Schünemann and Christoph Müller, CEO of the subsidiaries KBA-Digital & Web Solutions AG & Co. KG and KBA-Flexotecnica S.p.A. laid the foundation stone of the new building.

With a usable area of around 2,100 sqm and investment totalling € 6 million (including technical infrastructure – without demo presses) the building project is ambitious. It is the latest in a series of new buildings at the Würzburg site, following a new logistics centre and design building in 2001, two new production halls in 2003 and 2008 and a new foundry in 2012.

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