Saica installs Mimaki printer in Livingston

Saica Pack has recently installed a Mimaki digital printer for its flagship facility in Livingston, Scotland.

The JFX200-2513 EX UV LED flatbed printer was supplied by Mimaki’s distributor, CMYUK, and is the third unit to been supplied to Saica in the UK. The other two units are at Saica’s design centre in Manchester and the second at the group’s Wigan facility.

Matt Pomorski, Creative Marketing Manager, Saica Pack, UK and Ireland, said, “We utilise the Mimaki JFX200-2513EX primarily for product development. We use it to print directly onto corrugated board to help customers visualise packaging concepts and this can be anything from a single sample up to 100 prototypes. It’s fantastic in the sense that it allows customers to improve their speed to market.”


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