RWM Expands with a Fresh Look

Bringing together decision-makers and innovators from the Recycling, Energy, Water and Waste communities, the RWM exhibition will take place from 12-14 September, at the NEC Birmingham. Run in partnership with the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), the event will feature dedicated zones, interconnected discovery trails and seminar theatre sessions – all with a fresh look and feel thanks to RWM’s new branding.

“Combining the four events is not only a huge step for the exhibition, but also a reflection of the way the sectors are beginning to overlap and merge,” said Nicola Meadows, RWM event director, Ascential. “While each industry will have a dedicated presence at RWM, this closer collaboration brings together more facilities managers, environmental managers and sustainability managers from these sectors, who may not normally have time to go to separate shows, but can benefit from the overlapping opportunities for networking and new partnerships that RWM offers.

“Our One Planet Living mission is about the better management and supply of the world’s resources. We understand that Energy and Water supply, and Waste management, are as distinct and important as ever to our visitors and exhibitors. Our expanded approach also aims to grow our presence in each separate sector, as well as highlighting the synergies and business opportunities that come with sharing knowledge.

RMW 2017 will showcase new features designed to create networking opportunities between the various supply chains. There will be new sectors in the exhibition, including Energy from Waste; Handling & Logistics; Machinery & Equipment; Recyclers & Reprocessers; Data Technology & Services; and Supply & Demand. 

As well as seminar theatre sessions debating a wide-range of key policy areas and innovations, the new-look RWM 2017 will also offer visitor discovery trails. The trails will identify the key exhibitors for audiences looking for a specific service, or a more organised experience. The Local Authority Solutions Trail, for instance, will highlight all exhibitors and content relevant to those responsible for waste management and resource.

“A One Planet Living solution means we must consider both the original source and the management of the resources we have available to us, creating a more aligned set of goals and objectives,” said Nicola Meadows. “With this in mind, we have brought the Energy, Water and Waste audiences closer so they can share, learn and grow together at RWM 2017.”

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