Reorganisation of Heidelberg Management Board

The Supervisory Board of Heidelberg is reorganising the company’s Management Board, with the appointment of Rainer Hundsdörfer as the new CEO and Dr Ulrich Hermann as a regular member. Mr Hundsdörfer will replace Dr Gerold Linzbach on 14th November, who is leaving the company of his own accord. 

Rainer Hundsoerfer

Rainer Hundsdörfer is the new CEO at Heidelberg.


“We sincerely thank Gerold Linzbach for successfully turning around the company. Heidelberg is well on track,” says Dr Siegfried Jaschinski, Chairman of the Heidelberg Supervisory Board. “We are delighted to have gained an internationally experienced leadership personality in Rainer Hundsdörfer to drive forward the reorientation of the company. Mr Hundsdörfer has acquired many years of specialist expertise with global technology leaders that will help pave the way forward to a successful digital future at Heidelberg.” 

“Heidelberg is moving toward customer-focused technology and services in what is a changed market environment,” says Mr Hundsdörfer. “We now need to make solid use of the opportunities digitization presents for profitable growth.”



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