RDF steam plant project for Blue Paper

It has been widely reported that Blue Paper in Strasbourg, France — a joint venture between VPK and Klingele — is planning to build a 18 MW refuse-derived fuel (RDF) steam plant. The RDF plant will run on rejects from the stock preparation and recycled paper manufacturing and generate process steam for PM1. Blue Paper filed an application for a permit with the local authorities in teh summer. If the permit is granted, the RDF steam plant could be operational in early 2018, at a project cost of around €20 million.

The company, which started up two years ago, produced around 280,000 tonnes per year from PM1, but it is believed that this figure will increase to 360,000 tonnes next year following an application to increase production. The company has stated that the implementation of the RDF steam plant will help achieve this goal.

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