Progroup’s PM3 performing well in start up

Progroup‘s PM3 is setting new records. The paper machine is currently still in the run-up phase, but it is consistently producing good production figures. In January 2021, it achieved another important milestone with a production output of over 50,000 tonnes.

The company says the run-up phase continues to proceed as planned. Additional fine adjustments will continue to improve the production output so that ultimately PM3 will produce up to 750,000 tonnes of containerboard each year. Progroup is increasing its production of containerboard from 1.1m tonnes to a total of around 1.85m tonnes annually. As one of three paper factories that the company now operates, the new mill forms an important part of Progroup’s consistent growth strategy.

“By increasing our paper production capacity, we will continue to be able to offer our customers the certainty of having a stable supply of the raw material they need,” says Jürgen Heindl, CEO. “We will remain a strong and reliable partner to our paper and corrugated board customers.” 

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