POPAI success for Smurfit Kappa

Smurfit Kappa has picked up with four awards for innovative displays at the 2017 POPAI Awards. A promotional display for Walkers Snacks was awarded a gold award. The six-case stacker, which was developed for the ‘Go barmy for a sarnie’ flavour campaign in the UK, featured an integrated header, complete with flashing LED lights.

“Our key objectives were to showcase Walkers’ new single serve packs by raising standout in-store and to increase awareness of their new limited edition flavours,” said Jonathan Arthur, Smurfit Kappa Display UK. “We also had to consider the bulky nature of the product and ensure that we maximised the space without compromising on the end result. Based on analysing the behaviour of thousands of shoppers, we know that displays need to be about much more than packaging or product storage. They have to add value for customers in terms of efficiencies, brand building and sales.”

Rebecca Prindiville, Walkers Merchandising Manager, said, “The flashing header was a great way to excite and delight our retailers to buy into the flavour campaign. They love in-store theatre and these headers allowed us to unlock premium space either at front of store or at the till area. The flashing lights helped to signpost the promotion in-store in such a busy environment and certainly helped to drive awareness of the new flavours.”

Smurfit Kappa Display UK also won two silver awards – one for an in-store display shaped like a sofa for the McVitie’s Digestives Nibbles ‘Sweeet night in’ campaign and another for a Coca Cola inline Quarter Pallet Display. Smurfit Kappa Display Ireland took bronze for the Hellman’s creative Grilltopia barbecue display which was in supermarkets during the summer season.

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