Ox Box invest

Addison, Illinois-based Ox Box has confirmed that it has invested in a Gazzella PAC48 Fully Automatic Folder-Stitcher-Gluer, a fully automatic converting machine capable of producing large format, heavy duty boxes at speeds of 1,200 boxes per hour. “We made the investment to better serve our customers’ growing needs and to improve our dependability and response times,” said Guy Ockerland, President of Ox Box. “The machine will increase our capacity 600 percent and is truly a game changer.”

The PAC48 accommodates solid board, single wall, doublewall and triplewall corrugated board and can stitch up to 1,400 stitches per minute. It can handle infeed flat boards from 6700mm up to 7,700mm. The US-based converter is set to install the PAC48 in November.

Gazzella PAC48

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