One year of ‘Green Gluing’

In May 2019, the Robatech Group launched new branding. For the last year, the Swiss manufacturer of industrial adhesive application systems has been utilising ‘Green Gluing’ to draw more attention to its innovative and sustainable solutions. The donation from the voting campaign launched at that time has now been distributed to three environmental organisations.

‘The environment is important to us’ – this is how Robatech AG titled its voting campaign in May 2019 in favour of the environmental organisations Rainforest Alliance, Ocean Conservancy, and Birdlife International. CHF 5 per casted vote was credited to the account of the organizations concerned. The ranking in the intermediate results reflected the nature of current environmental topics over time: In May, the topic of avoiding plastics moved the environmental debate. When forest fires broke out in the Amazon in August 2019, the tide turned. In the end, Rainforest Alliance received just under 50% of the CHF 10,000 donation.

Behind the voting campaign and the new company branding, there is a corporate philosophy that characterises Robatech through and through: with every sustainable measure, no matter how small, something can be achieved. Even if the adhesive application itself is not necessarily environmentally friendly, Robatech’s energy-efficient application systems enable adhesive to be used sparingly in industrial processes. For its application systems, Robatech also guarantees an extended backward compatibility of 30 years for spare parts.

Sustainability is also essential in production. In 2014, Robatech installed a solar system on the warehouse roof. The system covers around 50% of the total energy requirements at the company’s headquarters in Muri. In winter, waste heat from the compressed air system is used to heat the warehouse. Packaging is also reused several times.

“Green Gluing, therefore, stands for much more than optimised gluing processes,” says Kevin Ahlers, Head of Marketing. “Green Gluing combines innovation and efficiency for more sustainability in companies and offers exactly the service that keeps Robatech equipment alive for a long time.”

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