Ondulati ed Imballaggi del Friuli choose Kolbus Autobox

The Venzone plant of Ondulati ed Imballaggi del Friuli S.P.A (ODF) is mainly dedicated to the production of small to medium run, non-standard, high, value boxes. In particular RSC American boxes (0201), folding wraps (0409/0411), Maltese cross (0401) plus a wide variation of slotted styles. Much of ODFs production is printed and personalised boxes, so when it came to choosing a new boxmaker, they turned to Kolbus Autobox.

ODF installed a Kolbus Autobox AB300 Boxmaker equipped with the innovative Digital Printer DP300 unit. To increase range and efficiency, they also specified a table feeder TF300 and Multicut MC300.

It was the DP300 digital print unit however which convinced ODF that the Kolbus Autobox was their preferred machine. Stefano Gollino, Owner of ODF, said, “In-line digital printing is ideal, because there is no need for any tooling or stereos enabling us to make and print boxes up to 6,000mm long x 2,600mm wide in a single pass, down to mini boxes. Print quality is excellent, at 360dpi the four self-positioning and self-cleaning digital print heads can print in several positions along the length of the box. The system is controlled from the operator interface. Opting for this in-line system allows us to produce a near infinite number of box sizes in a huge number of styles, many without tooling, with added print personalisation in whatever quantity we need.”

Equipped with servo assistance and with all operations controlled from one fully integrated touch-screen panel the AB300 is operator friendly. Capable of producing over100 different box styles, typically set up in around a minute, with average run speeds of around 500 boxes per hour the AB300 is ideal for high quality short and medium run boxmaking. The addition of the Multicut M300 improves flexibility and boosts profitability by virtually doubling the number of box styles to around 100 FEFCO styles. Boxes can be produced from stock board, glue tabs removed, with extra creases, hand holes, and drop-down windows created. The installation of a high grip friction feeder, the Table-Feed TF300, further speeds up production and reduces labour.

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