Obituary – Roger ‘Bud’ Stickle

We are sad to report the death of Roger H. ‘Bud’ Stickle on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at home surrounded by family and friends.

Bud was born on April 22nd, 1948 and grew up in Rocky Ripple. He graduated from North Central High School with the Class of 1966. Not ready for college, the war in Vietnam raging and the ever-looming prospect of being drafted, Bud decided to join the United Stales Navy. He soon started what is some of the toughest training in the military to become a Navy Frogman. Bud’s deployments and experience included cruises to the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Vietnam, even training with NASA lo recover Apollo spacecraft. In 1970, at the request of the love of his life Lynn, he turned down the opportunity to return for a second tour to Vietnam with SEAL Team 2 and transferred to the U.S. Navy Reserve.

Soon after returning home, he married his soulmate and wife of 53 years, Lynn Haerle. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business at Indiana University then joined the family business, Stickle Steam Specialties. In 1976, Bud was elected President of the family business and he was the fourth generation to hold this office. One of Bud’s biggest professional accomplishments was seeing the business to its 100th year of operation in 2007.

He was a beloved member of the corrugated packaging community, having contributed lo the industry for over 50 years. His legacy of hard work, dedication to what be believed was right, and the success of his customers came in many forms, using Bud’s special brand of direct communication, and will be missed by many. Bud is survived by his wife, Lynn, and their three children, grandchildren and his sister.

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