Obituary – Bruce Smith, Chairman of CTECH Europe

It is with great sadness that we report the very sudden death of Bruce Smith, Chairman of CTECH Europe, who passed away on Monday 5th December 2022.

Bruce took ownership of the business in 1999 and with his wealth of knowledge, experience and inspirational leadership, he developed CTECH to become the company it is today. He wanted CTECH to continue its success, even if he was not able to be part of it, and thus was determined to build the strong team now in place in the UK, Germany and the US. He will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by all at CTECH and those connected to the business.

“Having been mentored by Bruce for over a decade, Angela – Bruce’s wife – has asked me to continue to manage and operate the business to the highest standards, developing improved cost effective solutions for wastewater treatment, and giving the best possible service to our customers, partners and suppliers,” says Daniel Davies, Managing Director.

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