New President and other appointments at Die Papierindustrie

At the recent Paper Summit 2023, hosted by the German paper industry association – Die Papierindustrie e. V. – the members elected a new president.

Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp, CEO of the German paper maker, Felix Schoeller, has taken over the position as president of the association from Winfried Schaur of UPM.

Left to right: Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp and Winfried Schaur.

“We would like to thank Winfried Schaur, who, together with Martin Krengel, pushed for the merger of the association, the move to Berlin and the political work of the association. Now we look forward to welcoming Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp as our new president,” said the association.

In other news, Maximilian Heindl, CEO, Progroup, has been appointed to the executive committee of the association. As a member of the five-member executive committee, he will represent the members of the association and thus around 90% of the German pulp and paper industry.

The Executive Committee, including Maximilian Heindl (second from left).


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