Mondi collaborates with the Danish Institute for Human Rights

Mondi has entered into a collaboration with the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) to review and advise on Mondi’s due dilligence process on human rights.

Global initiatives, stakeholder expectations and new and upcoming legislation increasingly call on businesses to play a more active role in respecting and upholding human rights in business operations and supply chains. The collaboration focuses on the review of Mondi’s human rights due diligence processes. The initial phase of this collaboration started in February 2020, and is due to conclude by the end of the year.

“Respecting human rights is respecting people and is ingrained in our company culture at Mondi. We live it every day, in our drive for safety and health at work; in engaging our employees and treating them fairly; in our respect for the law wherever we operate; in engaging with and investing in communities; in minimising our environmental footprint while producing our products to the highest safety, health and hygiene standards; and in working with suppliers and contractors towards high standards of business conduct,” said Arnavaz Schatten, Mondi Group Social Sustainability Manager.

“The success of our business depends on people around the world. Our business also affects them – as employees, as suppliers and contractors, as communities close to our operations and as customers and consumers using Mondi products. It is therefore a moral and business imperative to always consider the impact of our business decisions on people, both positive and negative, and to respect their rights at all times,” continued Schatten.

The Danish Institute for Human Rights is an independent national human rights institution whose mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad. The DIHR has been engaged in the area of business and human rights for more than 20 years and has a strong track record of working with companies, governments and international organisations to promote respect for human rights in the context of business activities. Ultimately they aim to build a global environment in which negative impacts on human rights by business are minimised, and positive contributions are maximised.

Gabrielle Holly, Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Business at DIHR, said, “Mondi approached us to help them gain a better understanding of their human rights risks and impacts across their operations and supply chains. Mondi has the potential to impact the human rights across the value chain, not only of its employees and suppliers, but also at the intersection of environmental impacts and human rights. We look forward to helping them increase awareness internally on what human rights mean for the company and to support it in further integrating respect for human rights in its internal processes.”

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