L&W Autoline upgrade for MM Frohnleiten mill

ABB has confirmed it will provide two next-generation L&W Autoline automated paper testing systems to MM Board & Paper and has secured a new service agreement with the packaging manufacturer. The new solution will modernise and optimise quality control and minimise operational costs at the company’s Frohnleiten mill.

The mill, 28 km from the city of Graz, serves as MM’s research and development, product safety and compliance, and analytical chemistry centre. It has used the L&W Autoline 300 for quality testing for 20 years. MM has chosen to upgrade to ABB’s newest L&W Autoline for its features, most notably its proven ability to test bending stiffness, fulfilling current industry standards. The scope of the testing modules includes: Gloss, Bendtsen, PPS, Thickness, Elrepho, Moisture and Grammage.

The new L&W Autoline includes a dual test function that reduces queuing by allowing simultaneous testing of the mill’s boards. Manually gathering and testing samples is a time-consuming process that can produce inaccuracies. With more data points and faster, more accurate results than previously possible, the new L&W Autoline provides the same results as lab equipment and delivers accurate, quality reports in minutes.

“We enjoy a long-term relationship with ABB whose team has consistently delivered a high standard of service since we first signed a contract with them in 2001,” said Gerald Lösch, Technology Manager, MM Frohnleiten. “We were convinced by their best-in-class, new L&W Autoline solution that also supports our commitment to producing our cartonboard products efficiently and in a resource-friendly way.”

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