Latest ‘Breaking Down Boxes’ podcast released

Hosts Gene Marino, President, Akers Packaging Service Group, and Joe Morelli, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Huston Patterson Printers and Lewisburg Printing Co., continue to unravel the journey of Richard Brown, President and Co-Owner of The BoxMaker. 

Going forward – Part 1, delved into key aspects of Brown’s career in the packaging industry that led him to The BoxMaker, offering valuable insights for listeners.

Going forward – Part 2, explores the evolution of digital technology within the corrugated packaging sector. Brown shares insights into the efficiencies brought about by digital production, emphasizing its transformative impact on supply chain dynamics. He reflects on the transition from traditional analog methods to digital processes, highlighting the advantages in terms of reduced waste, enhanced flexibility, and streamlined workflows.

Furthermore, Brown provides a glimpse into the industry’s future, predicting a continued shift toward digital solutions driven by evolving customer demands and technological advancements. He envisions a landscape where digital printing becomes increasingly ubiquitous, leading to greater efficiencies and cost-effectiveness for manufacturers and customers alike.

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