Investment at Oppboga Bruk AB

Oppboga Bruk AB, the Swedish producer of multiply paperboard for signs, displays and packaging, has confirmed that it is investing in a state-of-the-art lamination machine at its mill in Fellingsbro (pictured below).

The new and highly customised machine will be one of the most modern lamination lines in Europe. It is the company’s largest investment in over 50 years and will allow Oppboga Bruk to continue its growth path into new markets and materials.

Andrew Robinson, Managing Director, Oppboga Bruk, says, “We expect to increase production by more than 50%. Simultaneously, the investment will allow us to explore new wood fibre material constructs and maximise opportunities within the packaging segment, in particular by replacing plastics with paper and board combinations.”

The new lamination production line, which is more energy efficient and produces less waste than its predecessor, is scheduled to start producing in Q4 2024.

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