‘In The Loop’ recycling toolkit

Hubbub is launching its ‘In The Loop’ toolkit, an in-depth guide for local authorities and other organisations on how to roll out a successful recycling on-the-go campaign and thereby increase recycling rates and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill or incineration.

The guide, launched at the LARAC conference in Birmingham and funded by environmental compliance scheme Ecosurety, brings together learnings garnered from seven successful trials across the UK and Ireland since 2018. Across pilots in Leeds, Swansea, Edinburgh, Dublin, Wimbledon, Telford and Lambeth, over 2.5 million plastic and glass bottles and cans were collected and recycled as people found it easier to recycle when out and about.

The toolkit aims to provide valuable and easy to implement advice to local authorities, for whom on-the-go waste continues to be a significant problem. To further help local authorities and other organisations address this issue and roll out public recycling points and boost out of home recycling, the publication of the new toolkit is supported by additional funding made available by The Coca-Cola Foundation. Grant funding of £25,0000 will be made available to successful applicants.

Organisations interested in the grant funding and ‘In The Loop’ toolkit should visit www.intheloop.org.uk

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