Hinojosa obtain SDG certification by AENOR

Hinojosa Packaging Group reports that it has become one of the first companies in the packaging sector to obtain AENOR certification, an award that recognises their contribution to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This award certifies that the company integrates sustainability as an essential pillar in their growth strategy looking ahead to 2023. Moreover, the company has a system for sustainable management aligned with a widely accepted international reference, allowing the standardization and translation of its commitments to key interest groups.

With the goal of obtaining this certification, Hinojosa analysed the supply base and inbound logistics across production, distribution, use, and end of shelf-life of the products, to determine the SDGs at each stage of the value chain. After the analysis and taking into account the impact and influence of interest groups, Hinojosa has integrated the identified relevant SDGs into its strategic plan, through objectives and concrete actions for their execution.

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