Highcon at China Print 2017

At China Print, Highcon will be delivering the promise of digital finishing to the Asian market. Highcon is no stranger to China and with Highcon Euclid customer installations already up and running in commercial and packaging applications, the company sees China as a major growth area of innovation in the industry.  Following the company’s success at drupa 2016, Asia was the region with the fastest growth in installations with machines installed in China, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam.  Of the four Highcon Beam installations worldwide, two are in China and this machine will be shown publicly for the first time in Asia at China Print 2017.

The first Beam installation in China is at Hugo Printing Co Ltd, for its Fortune Mile Package and Printing Ltd division in Hong Kong. Christopher Chow, Deputy Director, Hugo Printing Ltd, said, “We are proud to be running the first Highcon Beam in Asia. We specialise in packaging for premium appliances and high-end cosmetics. With the Highcon Beam we are able to provide top class designs that could never have been achieved before, including different versions, customisation and even personalisation. We can also move some of our ongoing production from analogue to digital process.”

The machine being presented at the show will be then delivered to QP Quality Production, a leading printing company headquartered in Hong Kong, employing 2,500 people at different sites all over China. Ricky Cheng, Managing Director of QP Printing Ltd, said, “We understand that digital finishing is the way of the future and the Highcon Beam will enable us to produce our extensive range of applications for the high end market more rapidly and more efficiently.”

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