Growth for Abaca in South Africa

Business has been brisk for software house, Abaca, with particular attention to the growing market of South Africa. “This territory now represents approximately one third of our annual turnover,” explains Graham Dickinson, Sales Director. “Over the last 18 years or so, we have grown our customer base in this market through direct sales contact from our UK office and now it has reached the time for us to invest in man power for the region. As the number of customers has grown, it’s become necessary to employ someone to service them locally.”

Mr Dickinson continues, “I’ll continue to run the overseas sales, but we are delighted to have appointed Craig Wilkinson to be our representative for overseas work. He is based in Cape Town, South Africa and comes to us from one of the country’s leading corrugated packaging manufacturers, Mpact. He has been a user of our software for many years and has experience of it in all of their integrated plants and sheet feeding operations in South Africa. Craig has been their internal Abaca support person for the last seven years and comes to us with a great deal of knowledge of the system, meaning he is ready to deploy almost immediately. Most new employees have their first week or so going through an induction process, but due to the high intake of new business since the New Year, Craig found himself on a plane to Mombasa to spend three weeks at East African Packaging’s sack making plant installing our system.”

In concluding, Mr Dickinson says, “We have had an excellent start to 2017, with new contracts being signed up in the UK, Kenya and The Caribbean.”

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