FSEA·IADD Joint Conference

The US based Foil & Specialty Effects Association (FSEA) and the International Association of Diecutting and Diemaking (IADD) will hold their 2018 Joint Conference April 11-13 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Franklin, Tennessee, near Nashville. The conference offers a supplier trade fair, educational programming to address new technology and trends in the industry.

New this year, conference attendees will have the opportunity to share best practices on a variety of subjects with industry peers as part of the Networking Workshops held during the conference programme. More than 25 industry supplier companies are expected to be represented throughout the three-day event, both at the tabletop exhibits and in panel discussions, providing immediate access to the people most able to answer questions about operational challenges and the latest technologies.

The FSEA Gold Leaf Awards will be announced at the awards dinner on April 12. In addition, Nelson Stevens will be honored with the FSEA Lifetime Achievement Award. Stevens started his career in the late 1960s, working with BOBST as a sales manager. In the early 1980s, he formed Independent Machinery, Inc., where he sold used equipment and began refurbishing machinery from BOBST and other manufacturers. Among other successes, in 1991, Stevens signed an agreement with Gietz to bring its line of foil stamping equipment to North America.

For more information, visit www.fsea-iaddconf.com

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