eProductivity Software unveils Nubium MIS

eProductivity Software announced the launch of its cloud-based, purpose-built print MIS, Nubium, at drupa 2024.

Nubium’s architecture and intuitive tools are  designed specifically for small and medium companies who require an MIS with low maintenance and overhead. As a 100% cloud-native MIS, Nubium enables rapid startup and onboarding, allowing businesses to support a wide range of products and services almost immediately from the start.

Dan Vertachnik, CEO of Print, ePS, commented, “Nubium isn’t just another cloud solution; it’s a game changer specifically designed to cater to the often-overlooked needs of small and medium size commercial printers. In addition, Nubium completely revolutionises the implementation process by eliminating traditional complexities. It is intuitively designed for rapid deployment and immediate value realisation, setting a new standard in the industry.”

Nubium offers seamless integration with web-to-print eCommerce platforms such as MarketDirect StoreFront, enhancing the overall customer experience by streamlining online order processing and production workflows. The integration is a versatile and essential tool for printers looking to optimise their entire business process from online orders to financial management.

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