‘Edition Spéciale by Luxe Pack’ is all set

EDITION SPECIALE by LUXE PACK, the trade show dedicated to sustainable premium packaging, will be held on 31 May and 1 June 2022 at the Carreau du Temple in Paris. Nearly 70 exhibitors and over 2,000 visitors are expected.

Postponed to the end of August in 2021, due to the pandemic situation, the show is back on its usual schedule and will be held at the end of May-beginning of June. It asserts its exclusive positioning as the only trade show in France that promotes sustainable development packaging innovation for all industries: perfumes/cosmetics, wines and spirits, delicatessen and fashion.

“Luxury brands, packaging manufacturers, members of our steering committee; everyone is unanimous – integrating the environmental issue is essential for the success of packaging innovations,” explained Fabienne Germond, Director of the trade show. “Driven by necessity, Edition Spéciale by Luxe Pack will present ever more sustainable packaging solutions and will provide enlightened and cutting edge content to further the eco-design of the packaging of tomorrow.”

This event will host over 70 exhibitors selected for their know-how and expertise in sustainable packaging eco-design. Exhibitors include leading luxury packaging manufacturers, including new stakeholders, to guarantee visitors a range of packaging solutions designed with concern for the environment: weight reduction, reloadability, ‘clean’ finishing, natural materials, plant-based wedges and much more.

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