Durham Box named in Fastest 50

UK-based Durham Box, has been named as one of the 50 fastest growing companies across the North East of England in the ‘Ward Hadaway North East Fastest 50 Awards‘. The awards, established by the ‘top 100 law firm’ in the UK 22 years ago, celebrates growth, innovation and the commercial achievements of North East businesses.

Based on financial data filed with Companies House which relates to the period before the pandemic hit, the list ranks the fifty best performing companies who have consistently increased turnover whilst remaining profitable. The Fastest 50 list is being published as usual after a decision by the organisers to continue to celebrate these successes despite the impact of the pandemic, in an attempt to continue to motivate and inspire those operating in the North East business community.

Damien Charlton, a commercial partner at Ward Hadaway, said, “Congratulations to Durham Box and every company in the Ward Hadaway North East Fastest 50 for 2020 for their tremendous achievement in making this year’s list. This year’s Fastest 50 list, as always, boasts many management teams with an unwavering passion to succeed in creating high growth, profitable businesses. It’s this spirit, and the business success that it creates, that we are delighted to celebrate, particularly this year during such a challenging time for businesses.”

Dan Morris, Managing Director, Durham Box, said, “We are delighted to have made the Fastest 50 list. This achievement is all down to the hard work and commitment of all employees who have done an amazing job in driving the business forward.”

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