DSM announces portfolio of re-pulpable alternatives

DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, has launched its portfolio of re-pulpable barrier coating resins for the food and non-food packaging industry. Now manufacturers have an alternative to traditional, less eco-friendly LDPE coatings.

For paper and board mills, convertors and ink formulators, as well as brands and suppliers who are looking to reduce their use of harmful components that are difficult to recycle, such as PE laminates on paper, DSM is now offering them the opportunity to switch to more recyclable resins that are easy to formulate and use. DSM’s new portfolio can help to lower the cost of production and scrapping, compared to PE laminates.

DSM’s dispersion coating resins are aimed at producers of paperboard packaging for consumer foods, who want to continue delivering durable, high-functioning and reliable primer coatings, inks and top coatings. The key benefits of this suite of products all deliver high performance without the need for expensive retooling. At the end of their useful first life, packaging coated with these resins can be easily re-pulped without the need for any extra processing.

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