Disaster in Slovenia impacts MM mill

The large natural disaster that happened last weekend in Slovenia has impacted on businesses and people. More than two thirds of the country was flooded, thousands of houses are damaged, and numerous bridges, roads and basic infrastructure is down – electricity, water, communication, gas, and railway.

MM Board & Paper Mill in Količevo has also been affected by the floods and the company had to declare Force Majeure. Fortunately, the company had no fatalities or injuries in its mill, but Production was down for several days. All goods produced prior to the floods are secure and dispatch from all warehouses in Slovenia is assured.

MM has said that the teams have immediately started to assess damages, to clean and to prepare the start-up of the mill again. An impressive and outstanding job was done, especially considering that a lot of the MM team are also affected privately by the floods.

MM has also reported that the Board machine has started up again – and they will continue with the modernisation project on BM3 as planned.

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