Dirk Kaliebe steps down at Heidelberg

The Supervisory Board of Heidelberg has consented to the amicable termination of the board position of the company’s long-time CFO, Dirk Kaliebe, as of 30 September 2019. Kaliebe had informed the Supervisory Board that he was not seeking to renew his current contract, which expires in the calendar year 2021.

Dirk Kaliebe

Kaliebe has been a member of the Management Board since 2006 and is responsible for Finances and Financial Services. “It was with great regret that we learned of Mr Kaliebe’s decision,” said Supervisory Board Chairman Dr Siegfried Jaschinski. At the same time, he expressed his greatest appreciation for Kaliebe’s successful work, including the restructuring necessary due to the financial crisis and the various refinancing measures in recent years for the realignment of the capital structure and Heidelberg’s reorientation as a digital enterprise.

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