Deja Link and Nortier Choose HP Indigo 12000

Deja Link and Nortier, subsidiaries of Firopa, have combined their investments and efforts to enhance their production capacities and equipped themselves with an HP Indigo 12000 digital press. Pooling their capacities this way enables them to expand their product offering and print both commercial printing products for Deja Link and paperboard packaging for Nortier.

The HP Indigo 12000 is a versatile digital press that has proven its worth on the market thanks to its high print quality, increased productivity and improved colour matching. Its versatility is one of the reasons that convinced Deja Link and Nortier to install the HP Indigo 12000 at the Stains site in Seine-Saint-Denis, France.

Laurent Caviale, CEO of Deja Link, and Didier Rochas, CEO of Nortier, agree that “the HP Indigo 12000’s quality standard is the right choice to meet the needs of their respective markets. As far as mounting, colourisation and job flow are concerned, the HP Indigo 12000 press provides true excellence.”

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