CPI Publishes Summary Economic Value Report for 2020

The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has published a ‘Summary Economic Value Report’ for 2020. The brief report provides an overview of the current economic status of the UK’s Paper-based Industries.  The report contains statistics for 2019 and information for 2020 so far.  The brief report also reflects on the role the UK paper-based industries have played in the health crisis and how we hope to contribute to the national recovery.

The Summary Economic Value Report – 2020 shows that the UK’s paper-based industries continue to be a significant contributor to the UK economy with an annual turnover of £12 bn; 62,000 direct employees; 100,000 indirect employees and 1,417 UK enterprises are engaged in the manufacture of paper products. Despite the impact of COVID-19, much of the UK’s paper-based industries has been remarkably resilient, indeed UK consumption of tissue and corrugated board, largely for packaging, has been consistent over the past 12 months.

Moving forward there are exciting opportunities for the UK paper industry, as the UK becomes an increasingly sustainable and circular economy. Paper is an infinitely renewable and recyclable material and can be the material for the 21st century. While we strive toward a green economic recovery the UK’s paper-based industries can provide sustainable jobs for the future across the whole country.

CPI will publish a full Economic Value Report in Spring 2021 when they have full data for 2020 and can reflect with more clarity on the impact COVID-19 has had on the UK’s paper-based industries.

Director General of the CPI, Andrew Large said, The Summary Economic Value Report -2020 provides a glimpse at the economic status of the UK paper industry. 2020 has been an extraordinary year, shaped by the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on national and global economies and the way we conduct our day to day lives. As the winter approaches, we still have challenges ahead. Looking to the future, the UK’s paper-based industries will play a central role in the national recovery efforts. In Spring 2021 I look forward to presenting a more detailed and in-depth report on the economic status.”

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