COVID-19 has helped us change the way we do business, says CEO of New Aerodinamica

“The current Covid-19 situation has radically changed the way we live and work,” says Paolo Radaelli, CEO of New Aerodinamica. “In such a difficult climate, New Aerodinamica has also adjusted its normal working standards, aware of the critical situation experienced in the world and in particular in Bergamo, a province which today holds the sad record of contagions. That’s why we have opted for a very determined line: keeping employees at home, in order to avoid any risk of contagion.”

In the company’s facility, which is in close proximity to houses, only Radaelli and his brother-in-law, (who are both technicians), fulfil the orders received from abroad.

For the involvement of the staff at home, tools such as smartworking and conference call have been introduced. “In fact, smartworking was already used within our business, so we could keep in contact while doing installations, particularly to consult details of drawings, projects and manuals,” continues Radaelli. “We had also implemented conference calls to help us reduce travel time and the organisation of multiple companies involved in the same project and from different areas of Europe. Both these tools have now become an integral part of our daily lives and will be increasingly integrated into the normal work process.”

He concludes, “Finally, the assistance to our staff, for whom we have activated an anti-coronavirus insurance with the Generali agency. This health insurance protects every worker and includes various guarantees including hospitalisation, convalescence and post-hospitalisation assistance in the unfortunate event of infections. This was a choice motivated by the importance that we place in our employees, who we consider the true engine of our company. After all, if ‘the heart is well, the whole body benefits’.”



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