Combined biomass and waste processing system for Saica mill in France

BMH Technology OY of Finland has signed a contract with Saica Paper France for the delivery and installation of a combined biomass fuel and paper rejects handling plant in Nogent-sur-Seine, France.

The system will process waste wood collected from the surrounding 150km as well as use the pulper and fibrous rejects from the paper mill process. The system will be delivered and installed in 2024.

Initial sketch of the SAICA Nogent plant that will handle biomass and paper rejects.

The main driver for the project is to reduce the consumption of natural gas, which is a major source of emissions and represents a significant portion of production costs. The expected reduction in natural gas consumption is almost 89%, which equals nearly 50.000 tons and 79% less CO2  emissions every year.  In addition, the land-filling of 50.000 tons of process by-products per year will be avoided.

“Saica Nogent-sur-Seine is the third project for natural gas substitution for Saica in France and we have selected BMH as a reliable supplier for both waste wood and paper reject handling,” says Jose Manuel Fernandez, Energy Projects Manager, Saica Group.

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