Christmas Carousel made a reality, thanks to Antalis

A new Christmas Carousel, made by paper artist Anaïs Herd-Smith, is made entirely with papers from Antalis’ newly relaunched Keaykolour and Curious collections.

Antalis supplied a selection of festive coloured papers and board to members of the Paper Artist Collective for their creative responses to a brief on the theme of ‘Christmas Spirit’.

The Paper Artist Collective is a global community of paper artists whose aim is to raise the profile of paper art and artists, while also providing its members with a platform where the community can come together to discuss, collaborate, exhibit and inspire. Several times a year, the collective sets its members a brief for which they produce creative responses using a variety of papers supplied. “With multiple artists working on the same theme, it’s amazing to see how we all produce something very different,” says Herd-Smith.

Herd-Smith’s response to the brief of ‘Christmas Spirit’ was ‘Christmas Carousel’, a three-dimensional sculpture that uses a windmill mechanism as its foundation. She created it using Alchemy Gold, from the Curious collection, and three papers from the Keaykolour range: Guardsman Red, a rich red; Atoll, a teal green; and Particles Moonlight.

Vicky Weatherington, Sales Manager, Antalis, comments, “We have collaborated with the Paper Artist Collective several times now and every time it’s a real joy to see their skilful and colourful creations – they’re a brilliant showcase of the beauty and versatility of paper.”

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