Cartoffset installs HP Indigo 30000

Cartoffset, a French folding carton converter, is now installing the world’s 50th HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press. The new press will enable Cartoffset to deliver high-quality, creative packaging for food and beverage, health and beauty, and industrial products. Additionally, the HP Indigo 30000 allows Cartoffset to offer testing, customisation, security, inventory reduction, variable data and traceability to its customers.

“In recent years, both multinational and smaller companies have been looking for alternative solutions to mass production in favour of value-add in packaging to respond to new consumer trends. With the addition of digital printing and packaging, we will be able to deliver on that,” said Fabrice Sorin, CEO of Cartoffset. “Targeting, testing and security features allow us to meet the expectations of our customers to generate additional sales in current or future markets. What’s more, we are able to invite our customers to be more creative than ever before, truly allowing their packaging to tell a story and connect with their audience at the shelf and beyond.”

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