Avis Recycling & Waste Division appointments

The Recycling & Waste Equipment Division of Avis Industrial Corporation has made two key additions to the organization as they continue to bring American Baler Co, Harris Waste Management Group and International Baler Corporation more closely together.

Mark Murphy has been named the Vice President – Manufacturing and Supply Chain responsible for standardizing and streamlining activities across four manufacturing locations and three procurement organizations by leveraging the capabilities and scope of the combined divisional organization.

Gordon Hill has been named the Vice President – Commercial Operations responsible for developing a unified go-to-market strategy encompassing the product offerings across the three baler companies.

“We are thrilled to have two individuals joining the team with the vast experience and demonstrated leadership that Mark and Gordon possess,” says DJ VanDeusen, President of the Recycling & Waste Equipment Division. “We possess the opportunity, within our three renowned businesses, to provide the industry with unmatched solution capabilities, enhanced innovation, and value creation. Our collective heritage of performance, reliability, and support is the foundation on which we come together and Mark and Gordon will ensure we realize and expedite all of the positives that the three businesses being closely align can generate,” VanDeusen says.

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