ASC Cartons adds more short run boxmaking capacity

Paul Herson, Sales Manager at GTS (Europe) Ltd, has confirmed the company recently signed a deal with Yorkshire, UK-based ASC Cartons for the supply of two short run boxmaking machines.

ASC, a specialist producer of a wide range of medium and short run boxes which already has several boxmaking machines in its converting hall, has ordered a GTS BoxStar and a Solarco Ecomatic 23. The two machines will be installed by GTS (Europe) in September.

“We are delighted to receive this order from ASC Cartons, as they are an existing customer that is fully familiar with the Solarco range of short run equipment,” explains Herson. “The other pleasing thing to note with the BoxStar machine is it will be the fifth unit to have been installed since we launched the machine last year. The combination of the BoxStar quick set and the Ecomatic 23 multi-function really allows ASC to offer fast turnaround and a wider range of product types. As a returning customer, it shows that GTS really is the ‘go to supplier’ for any type of short run box making equipment, whether it be entry level or highly automated.”


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