Apex makes new appointment

Apex International has confirmed Gustavo Soto as the newly appointed Direct Technical Representative & Sales for Mexico.

Soto is joining the Apex North America team from Flexi-Vel, who has been the Apex representative in that region for several years. Over the last two years, Apex has grown its market share within the Mexican territory. Having a direct person in that region now will allow more support and growth in anilox technologies. He will also be working with Eleazar Meza, Territory Sales Manager for the west coast, who will continue to support him in the corrugated market.

Dave McBeth, Vice President of Sales for North America, says Soto is key to growth in the Mexican market. “Having worked with Gustavo for several years, he has impressed the Apex team with his work ethic and his knowledge of the industry and, more importantly, how Gustavo supports his customers. Having him now a part of the direct Apex team is a great addition and will allow Apex to further support and grow our customers in a very important market,” said McBeth.

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