Amtech for Volk Packaging

Amtech Software has confirmed that Volk Packaging and Volk Paxit have partnered with them to implement EnCore ERP with Scorekeeper, TopGun and Visual Analytics for a fully automated solution.

Derek Volk, CEO, says, “As my grandfather used to say, ‘Our customers are our bread and butter.’ Amtech’s EnCore software is going to take us to a new level of service for the customers that my team works so hard to take care of. Making our customers’ lives easier is what we are all about and Amtech will help us do that better than ever before.”

Volk Packaging and Volk Paxit wanted to keep up with the times and switch to a more innovative solution like Amtech Software. Previously, they had been using the same software solution for the past 40 years, making the switch a big, but necessary change. Amtech Software provides Volk Packaging and Volk Paxit with access to more data, quicker.

Previously, locating pricing was hard, but now with Amtech Software it can provide them with a quote and locate the necessary financials in minutes. If they need an inventory report, this used to take hours to create and locate. With Amtech Software they have base tables and cost modeling at their fingertips.

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