AICC launches new streaming site

AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, has launched two new sites, AICC NOW and Packaging University, to bring online information and education to its members.

AICC NOW brings all of AICC’s videos and online content to one location. The platform will enable members to search AICC’s vast media offerings, including AICC Packaging University content, webinars, podcasts, Ask the Expert resources, whitepapers, training videos,  interviews, and more, past and present, for the information they need to grow.

“The new platform greatly simplifies ease of access for our members,” says Gary Brewer, President, Package Crafters, Inc., and AICC Education Committee Chair.

AICC NOW will have content available to educate employees and promote the industry to the public. Brewer adds, “current development of One Point Lessons on the new platform and Public Service Announcements for social media channels bolster our never-ending commitment to recruit, educate and retain great individuals for our industry.”

AICC has also moved its 100 free online courses to a new platform, Packaging University. The new site gives members the same excellent education they have come to expect from AICC, with the easier access they asked for and new tools and search functions.

Mike D’Angelo, President, AICC, said, “AICC content growth has been exploding and members needed a better way to access and navigate all that is available and all that will come. AICC Now is the right tool to bring the entire catalogue of great information to each member based on their needs.”

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