40 years for Solema

On 10th June, Solema celebrated its 40th anniversary, having been established back in 1982.

What you see today is a structured company, which has been able to evolve over time to become a leading force in the graphic arts and paperboard converting industries. Today, Solema is considered a reliable partner, with thousands of machinery installations and hundreds of customers around the world.

Luca Parsani, Managing Director, explains, “‘Conveying ideas’ is the the special logo we created for this celebration. The reason behind the slogan is that it resumes the essence that have always guided us through the years. We started building conveyors, but after all what we have been doing is conveying ideas; from our engineers’ creativity to our customers’ plants.”

He continues, “The opening of Solema USA and the demanding expansion of production with paperboard projects were the pillars on which, between 2002 and 2013, Solema expanded its horizon. Thanks to this, new markets have evolved to be part of our commercial commitment. Now, almost 85% of our products are exported.”

He concludes, “Forty years ago, Solema was taking its first steps. Since then, from the small workshop in Via Verdi in the 1980s, the company has evolved in every aspect. As it should be, all infrastructures have undergone constant growth and updates.”

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