23rd bvse International Recovered Paper Conference

On 22nd April, the 23rd bvse International Recovered Paper Conference goes online. It will provide exclusive information from top-class specialists. This year, the conference will be online in TV format.

Altered market conditions not only pose a considerable challenge for the recovered paper industry, indeed their effects reverberate along the whole paper supply chain. The situation on the international recovered paper markets has rarely been so volatile and varies from region to region. The recovered paper industry is having to adapt itself to overcome the new challenges that both it and the packaging industry are facing. bvse has been able to secure experts from relevant regions in the world who will address all these recent developments and new challenges. In presentations and moderated Q & A sessions, they will provide insights into the market situation in China, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, the Asian Subcontinent as well as North America and Europe.

In addition, the online conference will cover further topics relevant to day-to-day business in the recovered paper recycling industry – starting with a short introductory video from Werner Steingaß, bvse Vice-President and Chairman of bvse Paper Recycling Division.

For business owners and managers keeping up-to-date with developments that affect the framework in which they operate is essential. Professor Dr Michael Hüther (Director and Member of the Presidium German Economic Institute (IW),Cologne, Germany) will keynote, his presentation entitled ‘A Year that Belongs in the Bin – how sustainable will the recovery from the crisis be?’.

Emmanuel Katrakis (Secretary General, EuRIC – European Recycling Industries’ Confederation) will present and evaluate current EU policy in his presentation, ‘Recovered Paper and the European Green Deal – a blessing or a curse?’.

With the presentation, “New Trends in Consumer Goods Packaging” the conference addresses a topic relevant to the whole paper supply chain. How widescale will the global switch from plastic to fibre-based packaging be? Will there be repercussions with regard to the qualitative recycling of recovered paper? What are the challenges facing packaging manufacturers, the paper industry, dual systems and the recovered paper sector?

For further information and details of the complete programme (and of the possibility to register), please visit the conference homepage.

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