AICC Emerging Leaders elect Lauren Frisch as freshman delegate

AICC, the Association for Independent Corrugated Converters, has announced the election of Lauren Frisch (Wasatch Container)

Throughout the past year, the delegates have worked together with the AICC Board of Directors and the Emerging Leaders Committee to restructure the program, increasing its value to members and the organization as a whole. “We congratulate Lauren on this accomplishment and are excited to have her in this new role as freshman delegate,” says Cassi Malone, Emerging Leaders junior delegate.

“I am excited for the opportunity to continue to grow the Emerging Leaders program. My goal is to install confidence and a strong passion for the packaging industry in our upcoming leaders,” says Lauren.

Lauren Frisch is the Account Executive at Wasatch Contailer, a Salt Lake City custom packaging company, and is the daughter of Jerry Frisch, owner of Wasatch Container.

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