Hybrid Software offers licences for working at home

Hybrid Software has offered free software licences of Packz to all existing Packz customers. Clearly the more people that can work at home the better for everyone.

“Today we have contacted all our customers and explained the situation,” explains Paul Bates, Sales Manager, UK, Ireland & Global Accounts. “At Hybrid software, we allow our customers to control and move PACKZ licences around in times of emergency. Even this flexibility isn’t enough during this challenging and disruptive period that we find ourselves in today. Therefore we would like to offer you free additional temporary Packz licences for Mac or PC to help your teams work from home should this be required.”

For more information on this service, please contact Paul Bates, informing him how many of your PACKZ licences you need to move across to home working and the company will make the necessary arrangements for you.

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